Saturday, March 29, 2014

The Next Day ... the phone call

After picking up my Chevy Cruze rental car and putting in less than full day at work due to my dealership adventure and rental car stop I was gearing up to go home and sit in rush hour traffic in the non HOV lane.

My phone rang.  It was about 5pm and it was John Henry calling me.  WOOHOO, maybe there was good news.  He seemed excited and seemed hopeful.  He wanted to inform me that there was another software update for the PCM and that the install had gone well and that they were going to test drive the car and verify that everything was fixed.  I almost burst out laughing... I explained to him "you've got to be kidding me"  "What makes you think I trust you that 'THIS TIME' it's fixed"

He muttered some stuff and was clearly trying to end the conversation since I was obviously not playing along and was now VERY tired of his BS.  We ended the call with him saying he'd call Monday to let me know when I could pick it up.  I told him "I'm not interested in getting the car back, no thanks"

That was this evening, so... we'll see what happens Monday and if Ford Corporate has any good info for me.